WordPress Updates Query
Calls the WordPress API to gather information on needed updates. This script downloads all core and plugin updates, changelogs, and a report output to a local file.
- The Script will ask you:
- The client code you are making updates for. (ensure that this client is filled out in clients.py)
- The Timeframe (ex. August 2024), this will be appended to the output file
- If you are running the query for the dev site (not every dev site is configured)
Output to WP Update Query/output:
- WP Core in downloads/core (If applicable)
- Plugins in downloads/plugins (If applicable)
- problems.txt: (If there were errors downloading a plugin)
- report-output.docx: (Word doc with info to paste into report)
- changelogs.docx: Lastest changelogs for every plugin
This script is dependent on the Pannos API Endpoints being installed on the site, a username and application password being registered in the repo, and the Scripting Library Encryption Key being set up as an environment variable